
Participate in Urban Walking Exercise Activities

Apr. 03, 2023

Foshan Dnwin Doors and Windows Co., Ltd. actively participates in the hiking activities in April 2023.


Foshan City, April 2023 - In this beautiful spring, Foshan City ushered in a grand hiking event. As a representative of a well-known local door and window company, Dnwin Door and Window Company also actively participated in it, brimming with team spirit and vitality.


In the early morning of the day, the employees of Dnwin doors and windows company gathered at the starting point early. Wearing uniform corporate t-shirts and carrying backpacks, everyone can't wait to look forward to the event. As a company that focuses on teamwork and healthy life, Dnwin doors and windows company, this hiking activity is an extension and display of the company's culture. The employees who participated in the activity lamented that this is an opportunity to improve their physical and mental health, and it is also a good opportunity to show team cohesion.


After the hiking activity started, the high morale of the employees of Dnwin doors and windows company was immediately displayed. Everyone walks firmly and sets out towards the goal. They formed a tight formation in the team, laughing and laughing all the way, encouraging each other, showing infinite teamwork spirit. The activity route runs through the beautiful scenery of Foshan City, and the employees feel the beauty of nature and fully experience the fun of outdoor sports.


In addition to the joy of hiking, the employees of Dnwin doors and windows company also showed their sense of social responsibility and the high-quality image of the company on the way. They took the initiative to clean up the garbage along the way and made a contribution to the urban environment. Accompanied by joyful singing and laughter, the team gradually approached the finish line. At the finish line, the employees of Dnwin Door and Window Company held hands tightly and completed this magnificent hiking together.


After the activity, Mr. Wang, general manager of Dnwin Doors and Windows Company, said that this hiking activity is an important measure for the company to gather team strength and show corporate image, and it is also a way to pay attention to the health of employees and improve the quality of life. "We hope to encourage employees to live a more active and healthy life through such activities, and improve team cohesion and morale." He also fully affirmed and thanked the employees for their performance.


The participation of Dnwin doors and windows company not only shows the responsibility and responsibility of the company, but also demonstrates the solidarity and positive spirit of the employees. The successful holding of this hiking activity has added infinite spiritual motivation to the employees of Dnwin Door and Window Company, and also made them full of expectations and confidence for the future.

Participate in Urban Walking Exercise Activities

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